About the books
A surprising friendship
In a world filled with so many different people and animals, friendships come in all sizes, shapes, and colors. And because all people and animals are unique and special, no two friendships are the same.
A Surprising Friendship is an unlikely and heartfelt story of Zoey the goose and Henry the bear that celebrates diversity. Their fun adventures show how differences and obstacles can be overcome with kindness, acceptance, and a willingness to discover what we have in common with others who are not like us. May this sweet tale of Zoey and Henry encourage you to welcome and enjoy many surprising friendships of your own.
Togetherness: Creating and Deepening Sustainable Love
Togetherness: Creating and Deepening Sustainable Love is a revelatory guidebook for discovering that the love you want is achievable. While love, in all its grandeur, can seem out of reach, togetherness is in your hands at every moment. It is the intimate expression of love’s immensity, experienced each time you reach beyond the trivial to embrace the miraculous in yourself and others. Based on the four cornerstones of togetherness, renowned author Cyndi Dale and acclaimed psychotherapist Andrew Wald offer a blueprint for building a bridge to profound intimacy – a depth of closeness that can transform every relationship in your life.
Togetherness: About the Authors
Andrew Wald
Andrew Wald has been a full-time psychotherapist (LCSW-C) since 1974, working with individuals, couples, families, and groups. He holds a master’s in social work with a clinical specialty. Since he began his practice, Andy has logged over 50,000 therapy hours with his clients. He has received advanced certifications in Imago Relationship therapy, Gestalt therapy, and Neuro-Linguistic Programming. His wife of 45 years and their two children live in Chevy Chase, Maryland.
Cyndi Dale
Cyndi Dale is an internationally respected author and spiritual scholar whose books include the Gold Nautilus award-winning The Subtle Body and The Complete Book of Chakra Healing , currently in its 14th printing. She is president of Life Systems Services, through which she has conducted over 35,000 client sessions and conducted trainings across Europe, Asia, and the Americas. Cyndi lives in Minneapolis with her sons, Michael and Gabriel, as well as way too many pets, all of which believe they have voting rights to her time. www.cyndidale.com
Debra Evans
Debra Evans is a freelance writer, editor, and writing coach who has worked with renowned authors and teachers, including Debbie Ford, Nicole Daedone, and Barnet Bain. As former National Director of Conference Programming for Whole Life Expos, Debra has worked with New York Times best-selling authors, including Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, and Marianne Williamson. Debra lives in the San Francisco Bay area where she relishes foggy summer days and a close community of friends who share her passion for transformation.
Editorial Reviews
“What I love about Togetherness is the ease of understanding, the simple yet profound writing. I love a book where I can feel an energy about it, where time, thought, and experience all merge to create a work of uncommon clarity and optimism about relationships. A genuine thoughtfulness of the reader is felt while reading this book, as is the teamwork and partnership of authors Cyndi Dale and Andrew Wald.”
“Cyndi Dale and Andrew Wald have created a spiritual gem for people who want to love well and live well.”
“Togetherness is a great and wonderful book on love and the possibility of love. Excellently written, it can be of use to those who wish to deepen and expand their knowledge of this eternal topic.”
“Cyndi Dale and Andrew Wald have written a very special book on everyday intimacy as a doorway to higher consciousness. For people who are married, single, or otherwise engaged in close relationships, Togetherness is really a book of emotional alchemy transmuting doubt into hope, cynicism into optimism, and resentment into profound gratitude for the love we share in our lives.”
“Developing positive relationships with others necessarily begins with developing a positive relationship with oneself, and I was pleased to see that the authors began Chapter One of their book with a discussion of the difference between internal vs. external relationships. I was equally pleased to see that they also focused on the essential relationship we have with our own personal ‘God’ however we may conceive or label that life force. Many books on relationships - to their own detriment - neglect to deal with one or both of these issues.
In all I found “Togetherness” and enlightening and enjoyable book and highly recommend it to anyone who seeks to improve their ability to relate with others.”
“Perhaps the most valuable pages in Togetherness are those that address the most important relationship in anyone’s like - with yourself. Dale & Wald do an excellent job of explaining how most couples act out in relation with each other the issues that they should first address in their own development. The authors assert that “nothing in the Universe is as alluring as a heart that is open” and much of their advice aims at healing the wounded child within so that the adult can embrace another in a togetherness that is free and happy rather than struggling and co-dependent.”
“Togetherness is a little gem of a book. As a psychotherapist who has provided couples therapy for more than three decades I have, over the years, recommended various books about relationship. But what sets Togetherness apart in a delightful way is that the first part of Andy Wald and Cyndi Dale’s book is dedicated to the relationship with oneself. They rightfully describe this relationship (with oneself) as the most important one and as the foundation for every relationship.
The second and third part of the book are about Togetherness with a future partner and Togetherness with a current partner. The content of these chapters is excellent. While the material is deep the tone is light. It is filled with stories from their many decades of working with clients. The authors also generously share personal experiences and practices. These stories make the material real and alive. Each section also has invitations for self reflection.
The final part, about Togetherness with the Divine, is the second way that sets this book apart from other books about relationships. The emphasis is on Kindness—the sacred ground- and on Gratitude and Awe. I found this part particularly inspiring and lovely to read.
At one level this book is an easy read: while the material is serious, the tone is conversational. But I recommend you take the time it deserves: read it slowly, reflect and start again. You and your relationships will be rewarded by your effort.”
“This book is not just about love relationships - everything written is applicable to all types of relationships. The easy to read format allows you to really think about what is written and apply the practices to all the relationships in your own life, starting with the relationship you have with yourself. I found it to be insightful, meaningful and empowering. A perfect read to improve all the relationships you have, heal yourself from those you no longer are a part of and move forward knowing new relationships will be better because of this book. Highly recommended.”
“Andrew Wald and Cyndi Dale have woven together a beautiful book that is both profoundly spiritual and very practical.
Having been a couple’s therapist for 35 years, I wasn’t sure there was one more “self-help” book I could read about love and relationships that would move me or teach me anything new. How wrong I was! Andy has deeply integrated the teachings of Imago therapy, and in combination with Cyndi, who is a spiritual healer, the two of them have co-created a work that describes the journey of the soul to express itself in many different kinds of relationships.
Be forewarned, this is not a quick read! Each chapter begins with self reflection exercises that you’ll want to do, and each page is packed with wisdom that you will want to absorb. While reading it, you feel as if you’re engaged in a loving conversation with Andy and Cyndi as they offer teaching stories from their personal lives and the lives of their patients. If the idea of a loving relationship is to be a source of compassion and re-energizing, then this book has managed to create a sense of a loving relationship between the authors and their readers.
This is a transformational, hopeful, wise and inspired book. I highly recommend it to all therapists of all kinds! Then, share it with your clients.”